The PPM organized a happening for the people of Wroclaw, during which they could come with their pets and get portrayed together. The happening took place in “Renoma” building, often referred to as “the pearl of modernism”. The PPM was joined in this project by  Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami / www.toz.wroclaw.pl / and Kakadu shop / Renoma /
polski /
PPM w domu handlowym Renoma zwanym “perłą modernizmu” w strefie Sztuki w Renomie na poziomie +3,
Odbył się happening “zrob sobie zdjecie z pupilem”, podczas którego wrocławianie mogli przyjść i w ramach projektu Pleasure dac się sportretowac ze swoimi zwierzakami.
W projekcie uczestniczylo Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami /
www.toz.wroclaw.pl / oraz sklep Kakadu / Renoma /
Wroclaw / Renoma
maksym matuszewski
Renoma building 1929-2010
A unique art project in the form of a poster magazine, which travels all over the world and exists on building walls in the streets and public spaces, both outdoors and indoors.